Custom list of words to exclude
I noticed that the "No AI Words Removal" features only works for English- but not for the other langages- why is that ?
Web MarketingSVC (WMS)
Totally agree. I saw the same kinda thing in a recent 1 Click article I created. Certain words used over and over again, to the point it was kind of ridiculous. No actual person would write like that. Ergo, AI. :-(
I think a custom list of excludes could be useful, but so would some kind of mechanism that prevents overuse of any words!
Merged in a post:
Fluff (Words to exclude in the content
Joseph Francisca (AIO Content Editor)
There are words that are fluff and make the content difficult to read. To make it more readable, it is necessary to get these words out of the content. If there were an option to exclude words from the content, many would be happy.
Yes, this is now urgent to avoid our articles to be banned with future Google core update- in some instance article contains 18 times the world "crucial", "essential" etc.
J. Carrillo
Better yet, also come up with an option to go with a preset list of words not to use, or give us the ability to choose the words not to use.
Interesting idea, thanks!