Most AI-written text uses Transition words (also called 'conjunctive adverbs') unless it's specifically prompted not to. Usually, Conjunctive Adverbs are used in books or academia. AI written content is easily detected if it uses conjunctive adverbs, and doesn't read like a human created it, especially if it's within an article.
Other examples of Conjunctive Adverbs are also; additionally; otherwise; consequently; indeed; similarly; finally; likewise; then; furthermore; therefore; etc.
Having the option to remove Conjunctive Adverbs would be appreciated by those who are writing articles instead of books. An option for those who write other forms like books and academia, having an option to include conjunctive words would be practical.
Please consider developing this option; it would save a lot of time having to edit out these words.
Thanks in advance for considering this feature.