I'm new to this and there's a lot here in the Roadmap section, so it's possible I missed this topic elsewhere. If I did, please forgive the repeat.
What I'd love to see is the ability to rework an existing article.
For instance, I created a 1-Click Blog Post and forgot to tell the system to include reference links. Ooops.
Unfortunately, unless I'm mistaken, my only option is to re-run the job, when really all that needs to happen is a small modification to the existing file.
I would think having the ability to modify an existing article would save time and credits.
On a related tack, I'm generally thrilled by the AI-generated images. However, sometimes when I go back into the article later, I realize that there is a problem with an image I didn't notice at first and it needs to be replaced.
So, along the same lines as above, it would be great if we could generate replacement images on a finished article.
NOTE: Just after posting this, I realized Pixeth has a similar concern and post. I'm leaving this here because I think the details might be helpful to the devs.