Select and Move multiple documents at once (drag and drop or something)
in progress
O Can
It would be nice to be able to select multiple documents at once and drag & drop them in the folder we want.
Sometimes I got 20 articles to move and I have to Edit > Move > Select folder for each of them. That is a pain.
And it would be nice in the document list to have a row to indicate its actual folder after a search.
For example if I search the keyword "bird" I will have a list of all titles containing "bird" but I do not know in which folder they are located. And if I click on Edit > Move, it always select home/root by default wherever it is. So no clue for its locations neither.
Unless it is already possible and I missed something?
O Can
Any update? This is a 6 months old request tagged as in progress. User Interface and experience is important
in progress
Merged in a post:
List in which Folder document is located
O Can
Can you please give the folder name in wich a document is located when we look at a list of documents.
I got so many articles by websites / Todo / Done / Doing that Ilose precious time finding where they are.
And of courde moving them easily from a folder to another in bulk (I have done another featured request about that).
Good point, we'll fix that and expand the functionality, thanks.